Donate to our humanitarian projects


Make a donation to our humanitarian work

Your Donation Can Change Lives

We support a number of health related humanitarian projects in different parts of the world. We are able to do this only because of the generosity of our donors. 




 The International Rotary Fellowship of healthcare Professionals (UK) Trust Fund is a registered charity (Charity number 1195213)

In handling donations and disbursing funds, the Chairty will incur no administration charges except the required accountancy fees and/or any legal fees to prepare reports and accounts for the Charity Commissioners.  All the funds received will be used for the purpose for which they are donated. We will work through Rotary colleagues in the affected areas whenever practical. We will also respond to genuine requests for help from other groups. There will be total transparency in our financial record keeping. Our accounts and governance structure is published on the Charity Commission’s website.

If you are a UK tax payer please complete this form so that we can claim 20% of your donation from the Government and add it to your donation. 

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